Want a bit of everything? Choose from our range of high value packages!
Please note that where there is a choice of items, if no choice is made when booking, a random selection will be made.

$240 per weekend (saving of $60)
Includes 2 rockers, 2 horse bouncers, a small selection of the softplay construction set blocks and the large ballpit and slide with 2,000 balls. Note: this package comes with 8 1mx1m eva mats, 4 for underneath the ballpit and 4 for play.

$130 per weekend (saving of $45)
Includes mega 4, tumble tower, ring toss game and a choice of 2 from the following : giant tenpin bowling, fishing game, snakes, dots and ladders, bocce and dominoes.

$200 per weekend (saving of $55)
Includes 1 rocker, 1 bouncer, 1 whale see saw, a small selection of the softplay construction set blocks and the small ballpit with 700 balls.
Note: this package comes with 8 1mx1m eva mats, 2 for underneath the ballpit and 6 for play.

$245 per weekend (saving of $50)
Includes 1 rollercoaster, 1 rocker, 1 ride on, 1 of either the tenpin bowling or fishing game, the 2 horse bouncers and the large ballpit and slide with 2,000 balls.
Note: this package comes with 9 1mx1m eva mats, 4 for underneath the ballpit, 3 for underneath the rollercoaster and 2 for play.

$295 per weekend (saving of $55)
Includes 1 rocker, 2 bouncers, 1 whale see saw, a choice of either the tenpin bowling or fishing game, 2 cozy coupes, 1 rollercoaster and the large ballpit and slide with 2,000 balls.
Note: this package comes with 9 1mx1m eva mats, 4 for underneath the ballpit, 3 for underneath the rollercoaster and 2 for play.

$320 per weekend (saving of $85)
Includes 1 rocker, 1 see saw, 1 ride on, a choice of either the tenpin bowling or fishing game, 2 horse bouncers, 1 single hide and climb softplay and the large ballpit and slide with 2,000 balls.
Note: this package comes with 9 1mx1m eva mats, 4 for underneath the ballpit, 3 for underneath the rollercoaster and 2 for play.

$220 per weekend (saving of $50)
The standard package includes 1 rocking horse, 1 rocking animal, 1 lights and sounds activity rider, 2 bouncers, 1 whale see-saw, our baby ball pit with 200 balls and a small selection of softplay blocks.
Note: this package comes with 6 1mx1m eva mats.


$320 per weekend (saving of $60)
The deluxe package includes 1 rocking horse, 1 rocking animal, 1 lights and sounds activity rider, 1 whale see saw, 2 bouncers, our baby ball pit with 200 balls, a small selection of softplay blocks and the softplay builder set.
Note: this package comes with 6 1m x 1m eva mats.

$220 per weekend (saving of $50)
The standard package includes 1 rocker, 1 whale see saw, 1 crazy coupe, 2 bouncers, 1 rollercoaster and 1 small ballpit with 700 balls.
Note: this package comes with 7 1mx1m eva mats, 2 for underneath the ballpit, 3 for underneath the rollercoaster and 2 for play.

$320 per weekend (saving of $85)
The deluxe package includes 1 rocker, 1 whale see saw, 2 crazy coupes, 2 bouncers, 1 rollercoaster, the single hide and climb softplay centre and the large ballpit and slide with 2,000 balls.
Note: this package comes with 9 1mx1m eva mats, 4 for underneath the ballpit, 3 for underneath the rollercoaster and 2 for play.